This would have been my 3rd straight Democratic National Convention, but for Karen Burchard, H. Lee, Whack, and Rev. Leah Daughtry. I applied well in advance of the April 1st deadline, in February, but waited and waited. Finally I called and was told that Karen Burchard was the press credential contact. So, I called her and left a message. Then I waited a few days more. No call back. And then I called H Lee Whack, and he told me to keep him informed of what was going on. So I did. So, I call again. And Left another message for Karen Burchard. No answer. But then I did get an email from her, finally, but it told me she was not the person to work with and I had to go through DNC Press, but she did not give me a name. So I called again and the person said they would put me on a list - and then I got a rejection email days later. So, I sent an email explaining that I was written about by CNN, and so they sent an email back saying that they would re-review my application. That was June 3rd. Nothing. No response. I vlogged about the proiblem and even called Rev. Leah Daughtry twice. Nothing. I found her on Twitter and she told me to call the press office. I told her I did. She did nothing. Then get emails telling me where to pick up my credential, but it was a generic email from an address I'd not seen in 4 years! Wild. So I ask Mr. Whack for feedback and the DNC - nothing. So, here's Wikileaks with their email dump and that is where I found proof that Karen WAS the press credential contact. Here: And other emails where she tried to help members of the mainstream media, here: This is HORRIBLE! Why am I a Democrat with this going on? I'm going to dig into Wikileaks and see what else is there!
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Only Due To Money Raised
YouTube video link: Presents: Barbara Lee & Loren Taylor Considered “Viable”
Oakland May...
16 hours ago
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