Las Vegas Oakland Raiders NFL Stadium Proposal Economic Analysis Forgets Infrastructure Costs The Las Vegas Oakland Raiders Stadium Proposal that was presented at the April 28th 2016 meeting of the Southern Nevada Tourism and Infrastructure Committee was the subject of an economic analysis, the results of which were shown at the May 26th meeting of the SNTIC. Jeremy Aguero is the head of Applied Analysis of Las Vegas, the staff consultant to the SNTIC. His document, the link of which is shown here, looks at the proposal from the developer's perspective and shows (to no surprise) that if the $750 million subsidy the Raiders are asking for is lowered, the return on investment to the Raiders and to Las Vegas Sands and to Majestic Realty is less. Fine. But what's entirely missing from the analysis is any discussion of infrastructure costs at all. How much will it cost to modify streets and roads (not to mention sewers)? That is not even there. Moreover, the idea of a tax increment revenue district is such that the money will go to the developer but not for infrastructure. By contrast, Oakland already had the infrastructure costs and financing worked out. The Las Vegas proposal is not well done and completely less than half-baked. The Raiders should build a new stadium in Oakland. Stay tuned. Document:
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