House Of Cards Season 3 Is Creepy, Mean To Women House Of Cards Season 3, the continuation of the American, 21st Century version of House Of Cards on Masterpiece Theater, is a dramatic departure that starts interesting then turns creepy to the end. In all it is more violent toward it's female characters, and presents Chief of Staff Doug Stamper as a seriously screwed up psychotic killer. What he does and has done to Rachel Posner would never pass law enforcement gaze at some point in real life. If House Of Cards has any ties to that, then jail time or worse should meet the fate of both Stamper and Frank Underwood - both save their worst behavior for women they are involved with and kill. The UK version of House Of Cards did not seem to save such bad treatment exclusively for women. And there were no rapes or almost rapes in that version. Still, with all of that, House Of Cards America is riveting and with amazing performances by Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, and Rachel Brosnahan, in particular. Stay tuned
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