The cost of an investigation into whether or not the then Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell allegedly called a police officer who told him he could not depart Downing Street's main gate on his bicycle, a 'pleb' has almost reached a cost of £150,000.
The word 'pleb' used by upper class people who think they are better than the rest of society was allegedly used by Mr Mitchell, (who could also be described as upper class) during the incident in September 2012.
It is not only the cost of this investigation that is astonishing but that fact that the police has assigned 30 officers to the case that probably nobody other than Mr Mitchell even cares about anymore. Detectives have taken 740 statements and have be working the case for over 6 months and still haven't been able to establish if Mr Mitchell who since resigned his position did or did not use the word pleb or swore at police officers at Downing Street's main gate back in September. The investigation is on-going.
No one knows how to waste time, money and resources like the Metropolitan Police.
I hope the investigation includes why Mr Mitchell has that ridiculous basket on the front of his bike.
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